John L. Sullivan vs James J. Corbett 1892


Description: A Limited Addition book written by two boxing historians
Condition: Very Good. Soft corner on cover right bottom
Size: 155mm x 235mm

1 in stock


Several years ago, we received a foreign request about a book scribbling the legendary fight between Joh L Sullivan and James J. Corbett. With very little to go on, we made a world-wide search,wich proved to be fruitless.
In the summer of 1983, we we were contacted by a boxing historian in the Chicago area. He told us he had located ‘a highly sought after book.’ A hurried trip to Chicago followed. On arrival, it was clear why the book had been so difficult to find.
The work had been privately printed and the volume we finally located was Number 5 of 10 or less! We believe this is truly a book with value to knowledgeable boxing people. Consequently, we have printed a New Limited Edition of 500.
A joint venture of George A. Luckman and John A. Peterson.

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